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eBay's Most Popular Live and Sold Items

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You will find fascinating, one-of-a-kind items, as well as eBay’s most popular deals, in our “Most Watched” searches. Easily add additional filters or sort by watchers, bids, or price to find the right one for you!

Want to negotiate with a motivated seller? We make it easy to search for sellers accepting offers on items they listed long ago. Find an interesting piece, check its purchase history and seller feedback, and make an aggressive offer.

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Explore your verticals and see the most popular products by watch count. Which ones would you consider carrying? Use keywords and pricing filters to drill down. Easily check the purchase history to find the items with the best sales. Filter by seller to see your competitors’ most watched products. Identify listings where you are undercharging and can raise your rates.

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Buyers, if you are considering making an offer, bid, or purchase, search eBay sold prices to learn what similar items have sold for recently.

Sellers, search eBay’s sold listings to find new niches and products, research hot products and validate pricing before sourcing new inventory, and dig deeper into market trends.